function extractTableData() {
const table = document.querySelector('table');
const rows = table.querySelectorAll('tbody tr');
const jsonData = [];
const stack = [];
const levelCounts = {}; // Track the count of items at each level
rows.forEach(row => {
const cells = row.querySelectorAll('td');
const level = parseInt(row.getAttribute('level') || 0, 10);
// Update the count for this level
if (!levelCounts[level]) {
levelCounts[level] = 0;
// Retain "必填" initially and then clean up
let fieldText = cells[0].textContent.trim();
let hasRequired = false;
if (fieldText.includes('必填')) {
fieldText = fieldText.replace('必填', '').trim(); // Remove "必填" and trim spaces
hasRequired = true;
const rowData = {
field: fieldText,
type: cells[1].textContent.trim(),
description: cells[2].textContent.trim() + ' ### ' + cells[3].textContent.trim(),
hasRequired: hasRequired,
children: []
// Determine where to place the current row data based on the level
while (stack.length > 0 && stack[stack.length - 1].level >= level) {
if (stack.length > 0) {
stack[stack.length - 1].data.children.push(rowData);
} else {
// Push the current row data onto the stack
stack.push({ data: rowData, level: level });
console.log(`Number of items at level 1: ${levelCounts[1] || 0}`); // Print number of items at level 1
return jsonData;
function generateKeyValuePairs(data, level = 0) {
let result = '';
data.forEach((item, index) => {
// Indent according to the level to maintain hierarchy
const indent = ' '.repeat(level);
// Add the field and its empty value
result += `${indent}"${item.field}":`;
// Format the comment based on whether "必填" is present
const commentPrefix = item.hasRequired ? ' // !必填 ' : ' // ';
const description = item.description;
// If there are children, format as an object
if (item.children.length > 0) {
result += ` {\n`;
// Add the formatted comment
result += `${indent} ${commentPrefix}${description}\n`;
// Recursively process children
result += generateKeyValuePairs(item.children, level + 1);
result += `${indent}},`; // Add closing brace with comma
} else {
result += ` ""`; // If no children, just an empty string
// Add the formatted comment
result += `, ${commentPrefix}${description}`;
// Add a newline after each item
result += `\n`;
return result;
// Extract table data and generate key-value pairs with comments
const jsonData = extractTableData();
const formattedOutput = generateKeyValuePairs(jsonData);
// Format the final JSON object
console.log(`{\n${formattedOutput.trim().replace(/,\n$/, '\n')}\n}`);